Source code for nussl.core.play_utils

These are optional utilities included in nussl that allow one to embed an AudioSignal
as a playable object in a Jupyter notebook, or to play audio from
the terminal.
from copy import deepcopy
import subprocess
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

import random, string
import importlib.resources as pkg_resources

from . import templates
from .utils import _close_temp_files

multitrack_template = pkg_resources.read_text(templates, 'multitrack.html')

def _check_imports():
        import ffmpy
        ffmpy = False

        import IPython
        raise ImportError('IPython must be installed in order to use this function!')
    return ffmpy, IPython

[docs]def embed_audio(audio_signal, ext='.mp3', display=True): """ Write a numpy array to a temporary mp3 file using ffmpy, then embeds the mp3 into the notebook. Args: audio_signal (AudioSignal): AudioSignal object containing the data. ext (str): What extension to use when embedding. '.mp3' is more lightweight leading to smaller notebook sizes. Defaults to '.mp3'. display (bool): Whether or not to display the object immediately, or to return the html object for display later by the end user. Defaults to True. Example: >>> import nussl >>> audio_file = nussl.efz_utils.download_audio_file('schoolboy_fascination_excerpt.wav') >>> audio_signal = nussl.AudioSignal(audio_file) >>> audio_signal.embed_audio() This will show a little audio player where you can play the audio inline in the notebook. """ audio_signal = deepcopy(audio_signal) ffmpy, IPython = _check_imports() sr = audio_signal.sample_rate tmpfiles = [] with _close_temp_files(tmpfiles): tmp_wav = NamedTemporaryFile( mode='w+', suffix='.wav', delete=False) tmpfiles.append(tmp_wav) audio_signal.write_audio_to_file( if ext != '.wav' and ffmpy: tmp_converted = NamedTemporaryFile( mode='w+', suffix=ext, delete=False) tmpfiles.append(tmp_wav) ff = ffmpy.FFmpeg( inputs={ None}, outputs={ '-write_xing 0 -codec:a libmp3lame -b:a 128k -y'}) else: tmp_converted = tmp_wav audio_element = IPython.display.Audio(, rate=sr) if display: IPython.display.display(audio_element) return audio_element
[docs]def multitrack(audio_signals, names=None, ext='.mp3', display=True): """ Takes a bunch of audio sources, converts them to mp3 to make them smaller, and creates a multitrack audio player in the notebook that lets you toggle between the sources and the mixture. Heavily adapted from, designed by Bastien Liutkus. Args: audio_signals (list): List of AudioSignal objects that add up to the mixture. names (list): List of names to give to each object (e.g. foreground, background). ext (str): What extension to use when embedding. '.mp3' is more lightweight leading to smaller notebook sizes. display (bool): Whether or not to display the object immediately, or to return the html object for display later by the end user. """ ffmpy, IPython = _check_imports() div_id = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in range(20)) _names = None if isinstance(audio_signals, dict): _names = list(audio_signals.keys()) audio_signals = [audio_signals[k] for k in _names] if names is not None: if len(names) != len(audio_signals): raise ValueError("len(names) must be equal to len(audio_signals)!") else: if _names is not None: names = _names else: names = [ f"{i}:{s.path_to_input_file}" for i, s in enumerate(audio_signals) ] template = ( f"<div id={div_id} class=audio-container " f"preload=auto name={div_id}>") for name, signal in zip(names, audio_signals): encoded_audio = embed_audio(signal, ext=ext, display=False).src_attr() audio_element = ( f"<audio name='{name}' url={encoded_audio}></audio>") template += audio_element template += "</div>" template += multitrack_template template = template.replace('NAME', div_id) html = IPython.display.HTML(template) if display: IPython.display.display(html) else: return html
[docs]def play(audio_signal): """ Plays an audio signal if ffplay from the ffmpeg suite of tools is installed. Otherwise, will fail. The audio signal is written to a temporary file and then played with ffplay. Args: audio_signal (AudioSignal): AudioSignal object to be played. """ tmpfiles = [] with _close_temp_files(tmpfiles): tmp_wav = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav', delete=False) tmpfiles.append(tmp_wav) audio_signal.write_audio_to_file(["ffplay", "-nodisp", "-autoexit",])