Source code for nussl.evaluation.precision_recall_fscore

import sklearn
import numpy as np

from . import EvaluationBase
from ..core.masks import BinaryMask

[docs]class PrecisionRecallFScore(EvaluationBase): """ This class provides common statistical metrics for determining how well a source separation algorithm in nussl was able to create a binary mask compared to a known binary mask. The metrics used here are `Precision, Recall <>`_, `F-Score <>`_ (sometimes called F-measure or F1-score), and Accuracy (though this is not reflected in the name of the class, it is simply ``# correct / total``). Notes: * ``PrecisionRecallFScore`` can only be run using :ref:`binary_mask` objects. The constructor expects a list of :ref:`binary_mask` objects for both the ground truth sources and the estimated sources. * ``PrecisionRecallFScore`` does not calculate the correct permutation of the estimated and ground truth sources; they are expected to be in the correct order when they are passed into ``PrecisionRecallFScore``. Args: true_sources_mask_list (list): List of :ref:`binary_mask` objects representing the ground truth sources. estimated_sources_mask_list (list): List of :ref:`binary_mask` objects representing the estimates from a source separation object source_labels (list) (Optional): List of ``str`` with labels for each source. If no labels are provided, sources will be labeled ``Source 0, Source 1, ...`` etc. """ def __init__(self, true_sources_list, estimated_sources_list, source_labels=None, compute_permutation=False, best_permutation_key="F1-Score", **kwargs): self.true_sources_list = self._verify_input_list(true_sources_list) self.estimated_sources_list = self._verify_input_list(estimated_sources_list) super().__init__(true_sources_list, estimated_sources_list, source_labels=source_labels, compute_permutation=compute_permutation, best_permutation_key=best_permutation_key, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _verify_input_list(mask_list): if isinstance(mask_list, BinaryMask): mask_list = [mask_list] elif isinstance(mask_list, list): if not all(isinstance(m, BinaryMask) for m in mask_list): raise ValueError('All items in mask_list must be of type nussl.BinaryMask!') if not all(mask_list[0].shape == m.shape for m in mask_list): raise ValueError('All masks must be the same shape!') return mask_list
[docs] def preprocess(self): n_channels = self.true_sources_list[0].num_channels references = np.stack( [np.copy(x.mask.reshape(-1, n_channels)) for x in self.true_sources_list], axis=-1 ) estimates = np.stack( [np.copy(x.mask.reshape(-1, n_channels)) for x in self.estimated_sources_list], axis=-1 ) return references, estimates
[docs] def evaluate_helper(self, references, estimates, **kwargs): """ Determines the precision, recall, f-score, and accuracy of each :ref:`binary_mask` object in ``true_sources_mask_list`` and ``estimated_sources_mask_list``. Returns a list of results that is formatted like so: .. code-block:: python [ {'Accuracy': 0.83, 'Precision': 0.78, 'Recall': 0.81, 'F1-Score': 0.77 }, {'Accuracy': 0.22, 'Precision': 0.12, 'Recall': 0.15, 'F1-Score': 0.19 } ] Returns: self.scores (dict): A list of scores that contains accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score of between the list of :ref:`binary_mask` objects in both ``true_sources_mask_list`` and ``estimated_sources_mask_list``. """ scores = [] for j in range(references.shape[-1]): ch_metrics = { 'Accuracy': [], 'Precision': [], 'Recall': [], 'F1-Score': [] } for ch in range(references.shape[-2]): ch_metrics['Accuracy'].append(sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score( references[..., ch, j], estimates[..., ch, j] )) ch_metrics['Precision'].append(sklearn.metrics.precision_score( references[..., ch, j], estimates[..., ch, j] )) ch_metrics['Recall'].append(sklearn.metrics.recall_score( references[..., ch, j], estimates[..., ch, j] )) ch_metrics['F1-Score'].append(sklearn.metrics.f1_score( references[..., ch, j], estimates[..., ch, j] )) scores.append(ch_metrics) return scores