Source code for

import os
import json

import torch
from torch import nn
import numpy as np

from . import modules
from ... import __version__

[docs]class SeparationModel(nn.Module): """ SeparationModel takes a configuration file or dictionary that describes the model structure, which is some combination of MelProjection, Embedding, RecurrentStack, ConvolutionalStack, and other modules found in ````. References: Hershey, J. R., Chen, Z., Le Roux, J., & Watanabe, S. (2016, March). Deep clustering: Discriminative embeddings for segmentation and separation. In Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2016 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 31-35). IEEE. Luo, Y., Chen, Z., Hershey, J. R., Le Roux, J., & Mesgarani, N. (2017, March). Deep clustering and conventional networks for music separation: Stronger together. In Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2017 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 61-65). IEEE. Args: config: (str, dict) Either a config dictionary that defines the model and its connections, or the path to a json file containing the dictionary. If the latter, the path will be loaded and used. See also: ml.register_module to register your custom modules with SeparationModel. Examples: >>> config = >>> num_features=512, hidden_size=300, num_layers=3, bidirectional=True, >>> dropout=0.3, embedding_size=20, >>> embedding_activation=['sigmoid', 'unit_norm']) >>> >>> model = SeparationModel(config) """ def __init__(self, config, verbose=False): super(SeparationModel, self).__init__() if type(config) is str: if os.path.exists(config): with open(config, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) else: config = json.loads(config) self._validate_config(config) module_dict = {} self.input = {} for module_key in config['modules']: module = config['modules'][module_key] if 'class' in module: if module['class'] in dir(modules): class_func = getattr(modules, module['class']) else: class_func = getattr(nn, module['class']) if 'args' not in module: module['args'] = {} module_dict[module_key] = class_func(**module['args']) else: self.input[module_key] = module_key self.layers = nn.ModuleDict(module_dict) self.connections = config['connections'] self.output_keys = config['output'] self.config = config self.verbose = verbose @staticmethod def _validate_config(config): expected_keys = ['connections', 'modules', 'output'] got_keys = sorted(list(config.keys())) if got_keys != expected_keys: raise ValueError( f"Expected keys {expected_keys}, got {got_keys}") if not isinstance(config['modules'], dict): raise ValueError("config['modules'] must be a dict!") if not isinstance(config['connections'], list): raise ValueError("config['connections'] must be a list!") if not isinstance(config['output'], list): raise ValueError("config['output'] must be a list!")
[docs] def forward(self, data): """ Args: data: (dict) a dictionary containing the input data for the model. Should match the input_keys in self.input. Returns: """ if not all(name in list(data) for name in list(self.input)): raise ValueError( f'Not all keys present in data! Needs {", ".join(self.input)}') output = {} for connection in self.connections: layer = self.layers[connection[0]] input_data = [] kwargs = {} if len(connection) == 2: for c in connection[1]: if isinstance(c, dict): for key, val in c.items(): if val in output: kwargs[key] = output[val] elif val in data: kwargs[key] = data[val] else: kwargs[key] = val else: input_data.append(output[c] if c in output else data[c]) _output = layer(*input_data, **kwargs) added_keys = [] if isinstance(_output, dict): for k in _output: _key = f'{connection[0]}:{k}' output[_key] = _output[k] added_keys.append(_key) elif isinstance(_output, tuple): for i, val in enumerate(_output): _key = f'{connection[0]}:{i}' output[_key] = val added_keys.append(_key) else: _key = connection[0] output[_key] = _output added_keys.append(_key) if self.verbose: input_shapes = [] for d in input_data: if torch.is_tensor(d): input_shapes.append(d.shape) input_desc = ", ".join(map(str, input_shapes)) output_desc = ", ".join( [f'{k}: {output[k].shape}' for k in added_keys]) print( f"{connection[1]} -> {connection[0]} \n" f"\tTook inputs: {input_desc} \n" f"\tProduced {output_desc} " ) return {o: output[o] for o in self.output_keys}
[docs] def save(self, location, metadata=None): """ Saves a SeparationModel into a location into a dictionary with the weights and model configuration. Args: location: (str) Where you want the model saved, as a path. Returns: (str): where the model was saved. """ save_dict = { 'state_dict': self.state_dict(), 'config': json.dumps(self.config) } metadata = metadata if metadata else {} metadata['nussl_version'] = __version__ save_dict = {**save_dict, **metadata}, location) return location
def __repr__(self): output = super().__repr__() num_parameters = 0 for p in self.parameters(): if p.requires_grad: num_parameters += np.cumprod(p.size())[-1] output += '\nNumber of parameters: %d' % num_parameters return output