Source code for

import copy

import torch

from . import loss
from .trainer import BackwardsEvents

[docs]class Closure(object): """ Closures are used with ignite Engines to train a model given an optimizer and a set of loss functions. Closures perform forward passes of models given the input data. The loss is computed via ``self.compute_loss``. The forward pass is implemented via the objects ``__call__`` function. This closure object provides a way to define the loss functions you want to use to train your model as a loss dictionary that is structured as follows: .. code-block:: python loss_dictionary = { 'LossClassName': { 'weight': [how much to weight the loss in the sum, defaults to 1], 'keys': [key mapping items in dictionary to arguments to loss], 'args': [any positional arguments to the loss class], 'kwargs': [keyword arguments to the loss class], } } The keys value will default to ``LossClassName.DEFAULT_KEYS``, which can be found in ```` within each available class. Here's an example of a Chimera loss combining deep clustering with permutation invariant L1 loss: .. code-block:: python loss_dictionary = { 'DeepClusteringLoss': { 'weight': .2, }, 'PermutationInvariantLoss': { 'weight': .8, 'args': ['L1Loss'] } } Or if you're using permutation invariant loss but need to specify arguments to the loss function being wrapped by PIT, you can do this: .. code-block:: python loss_dictionary = { 'PITLoss': { 'class': 'PermutationInvariantLoss', 'keys': {'audio': 'estimates', 'source_audio': 'targets'}, 'args': [{ 'class': 'SISDRLoss', 'kwargs': {'scaling': False} }] } } If you have your own loss function classes you wish to use, you can pass those into the loss dictionary and make them discoverable by the closure by using `ml.register_loss.` Args: loss_dictionary (dict): Dictionary of losses described above. combination_approach (str): How to combine losses, if there are multiple losses. The default is that the losses will be combined via a weighted sum ('combine_by_sum'). Can also do 'combine_by_multiply'. Defaults to 'combine_by_sum'. args: Positional arguments to ``combination_approach``. kwargs: Keyword arguments to ``combination_approach``. See also: ml.register_loss to register your loss functions with this closure. """ def __init__(self, loss_dictionary, combination_approach='combine_by_sum', *args, **kwargs): loss_dictionary = self._validate_loss_dictionary(loss_dictionary) self.combination_func = getattr(self, combination_approach) self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.losses = [] for key, val in loss_dictionary.items(): _loss_name = val['class'] if 'class' in val else key loss_class = getattr(loss, _loss_name) weight = 1 if 'weight' not in val else val['weight'] keys = loss_class.DEFAULT_KEYS if 'keys' not in val else val['keys'] args = [] if 'args' not in val else copy.deepcopy(val['args']) kwargs = {} if 'kwargs' not in val else copy.deepcopy(val['kwargs']) if _loss_name in ['CombinationInvariantLoss', 'PermutationInvariantLoss']: if isinstance(args[0], str): args[0] = getattr(loss, args[0])() elif isinstance(args[0], dict): arg_class = getattr(loss, args[0]['class']) args_to_loss = [] if 'args' not in args[0] else args[0]['args'] kwargs_to_loss = {} if 'kwargs' not in args[0] else args[0]['kwargs'] args[0] = arg_class(*args_to_loss, **kwargs_to_loss) _loss = (loss_class(*args, **kwargs), weight, keys, key) self.losses.append(_loss) @staticmethod def _validate_loss_dictionary(loss_dictionary): if not isinstance(loss_dictionary, dict): raise ClosureException( "loss_dictionary must be a dictionary specifying the " "class and arguments for each loss function! ") for key, val in loss_dictionary.items(): _loss = val['class'] if 'class' in val else key if _loss not in dir(loss): raise ClosureException( f"Loss function {_loss} not found in loss which has {dir(loss)}") if not isinstance(val, dict): raise ClosureException( "Each key in loss dictionary must point to a dict!") for val_key in val: if val_key not in ['weight', 'keys', 'args', 'kwargs', 'class']: raise ClosureException( f"{key} in loss_dictionary not in ['weight', 'args', 'kwargs'") elif val_key == 'weight': if not isinstance(val[val_key], (float, int)) and not torch.is_tensor(val[val_key]): raise ClosureException(f"weight can only be an int or a float") elif val_key == 'args': if not isinstance(val[val_key], list): raise ClosureException(f"args must be a list") elif val_key == 'kwargs': if not isinstance(val[val_key], dict): raise ClosureException("kwargs must be a dict") return loss_dictionary def __call__(self, engine, data): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def combine_by_multitask(self, loss_output): """ Implements a multitask learning objective [1] where each loss is weighted by a learned parameter with the following function: combined_loss = \sum_i exp(-weight_i) * loss_i + weight_i where i indexes each loss. The weights come from the loss dictionary and can point to nn.Parameter teensors that get learned jointly with the model. References: [1] Kendall, Alex, Yarin Gal, and Roberto Cipolla. "Multi-task learning using uncertainty to weigh losses for scene geometry and semantics." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2018. """ combined_loss = 0 for _, weight, _, name in self.losses: sigma = torch.exp(-weight) combined_loss += sigma * loss_output[name] + weight return combined_loss
[docs] def combine_by_multiply(self, loss_output): combined_loss = 1 for _, weight, _, name in self.losses: combined_loss *= weight * loss_output[name] return combined_loss
[docs] def combine_by_sum(self, loss_output): combined_loss = 0 for _, weight, _, name in self.losses: combined_loss += weight * loss_output[name] return combined_loss
[docs] def compute_loss(self, output, target): loss_output = {} output.update(target) for loss_obj, weight, keys, name in self.losses: kwargs = {keys[k]: output[k] for k in keys} loss_output[name] = loss_obj(**kwargs) loss_output['loss'] = self.combination_func( loss_output, *self.args, **self.kwargs) return loss_output
[docs]class TrainClosure(Closure): """ This closure takes an optimization step on a SeparationModel object given a loss. Args: loss_dictionary (dict): Dictionary containing loss functions and specification. optimizer (torch Optimizer): Optimizer to use to train the model. model (SeparationModel): The model to be trained. """ def __init__(self, loss_dictionary, optimizer, model, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(loss_dictionary, *args, **kwargs) self.optimizer = optimizer self.model = model def _fire_event(self, engine, event): if engine is not None: engine.fire_event(event) def __call__(self, engine, data): self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() output = self.model(data) loss_ = self.compute_loss(output, data) loss_['loss'].backward() self._fire_event(engine, BackwardsEvents.BACKWARDS_COMPLETED) self.optimizer.step() loss_ = {key: loss_[key].item() for key in loss_} return loss_
[docs]class ValidationClosure(Closure): """ This closure validates the model on some data dictionary. Args: loss_dictionary (dict): Dictionary containing loss functions and specification. model (SeparationModel): The model to be validated. """ def __init__(self, loss_dictionary, model, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(loss_dictionary, *args, **kwargs) self.model = model def __call__(self, engine, data): with torch.no_grad(): self.model.eval() output = self.model(data) loss_ = self.compute_loss(output, data) loss_ = {key: loss_[key].item() for key in loss_} return loss_
[docs]class ClosureException(Exception): """ Exception class for errors when working with closures in nussl. """ pass