from itertools import permutations, combinations
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
[docs]class L1Loss(nn.L1Loss):
DEFAULT_KEYS = {'estimates': 'input', 'source_magnitudes': 'target'}
[docs]class MSELoss(nn.MSELoss):
DEFAULT_KEYS = {'estimates': 'input', 'source_magnitudes': 'target'}
[docs]class KLDivLoss(nn.KLDivLoss):
DEFAULT_KEYS = {'estimates': 'input', 'source_magnitudes': 'target'}
[docs]class SISDRLoss(nn.Module):
Computes the Scale-Invariant Source-to-Distortion Ratio between a batch
of estimated and reference audio signals. Used in end-to-end networks.
This is essentially a batch PyTorch version of the function
``nussl.evaluation.bss_eval.scale_bss_eval`` and can be used to compute
scaling (bool, optional): Whether to use scale-invariant (True) or
signal-to-noise ratio (False). Defaults to True.
return_scaling (bool, optional): Whether to only return the scaling
factor that the estimate gets scaled by relative to the reference.
This is just for monitoring this value during training, don't actually
train with it! Defaults to False.
reduction (str, optional): How to reduce across the batch (either 'mean',
'sum', or none). Defaults to 'mean'.
zero_mean (bool, optional): Zero mean the references and estimates before
computing the loss. Defaults to True.
DEFAULT_KEYS = {'audio': 'estimates', 'source_audio': 'references'}
def __init__(self, scaling=True, return_scaling=False, reduction='mean',
self.scaling = scaling
self.reduction = reduction
self.zero_mean = zero_mean
self.return_scaling = return_scaling
[docs] def forward(self, estimates, references):
eps = 1e-10
# num_batch, num_samples, num_sources
_shape = references.shape
references = references.view(-1, _shape[-2], _shape[-1])
estimates = estimates.view(-1, _shape[-2], _shape[-1])
# samples now on axis 1
if self.zero_mean:
mean_reference = references.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)
mean_estimate = estimates.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)
mean_reference = 0
mean_estimate = 0
_references = references - mean_reference
_estimates = estimates - mean_estimate
references_projection = (_references ** 2).sum(dim=-2) + eps
references_on_estimates = (_estimates * _references).sum(dim=-2) + eps
scale = (
(references_on_estimates / references_projection).unsqueeze(1)
if self.scaling else 1)
e_true = scale * _references
e_res = _estimates - e_true
signal = (e_true ** 2).sum(dim=1)
noise = (e_res ** 2).sum(dim=1)
sdr = 10 * torch.log10(signal / noise)
if self.reduction == 'mean':
sdr = sdr.mean()
elif self.reduction == 'sum':
sdr = sdr.sum()
if self.return_scaling:
return scale
# go negative so it's a loss
return -sdr
[docs]class DeepClusteringLoss(nn.Module):
Computes the deep clustering loss with weights. Equation (7) in [1].
[1] Wang, Z. Q., Le Roux, J., & Hershey, J. R. (2018, April).
Alternative Objective Functions for Deep Clustering.
In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
'embedding': 'embedding',
'ideal_binary_mask': 'assignments',
'weights': 'weights'
def __init__(self):
super(DeepClusteringLoss, self).__init__()
[docs] def forward(self, embedding, assignments, weights):
batch_size = embedding.shape[0]
embedding_size = embedding.shape[-1]
num_sources = assignments.shape[-1]
weights = weights.view(batch_size, -1, 1)
# make everything unit norm
embedding = embedding.reshape(batch_size, -1, embedding_size)
embedding = nn.functional.normalize(embedding, dim=-1, p=2)
assignments = assignments.view(batch_size, -1, num_sources)
assignments = nn.functional.normalize(assignments, dim=-1, p=2)
norm = (((weights.reshape(batch_size, -1)) ** 2).sum(dim=1) ** 2) + 1e-8
assignments = weights * assignments
embedding = weights * embedding
vTv = ((embedding.transpose(2, 1) @ embedding) ** 2).reshape(
batch_size, -1).sum(dim=-1)
vTy = ((embedding.transpose(2, 1) @ assignments) ** 2).reshape(
batch_size, -1).sum(dim=-1)
yTy = ((assignments.transpose(2, 1) @ assignments) ** 2).reshape(
batch_size, -1).sum(dim=-1)
loss = (vTv - 2 * vTy + yTy) / norm
return loss.mean()
[docs]class WhitenedKMeansLoss(nn.Module):
Computes the whitened K-Means loss with weights. Equation (6) in [1].
[1] Wang, Z. Q., Le Roux, J., & Hershey, J. R. (2018, April).
Alternative Objective Functions for Deep Clustering.
In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
'embedding': 'embedding',
'ideal_binary_mask': 'assignments',
'weights': 'weights'
def __init__(self):
super(WhitenedKMeansLoss, self).__init__()
[docs] def forward(self, embedding, assignments, weights):
batch_size = embedding.shape[0]
embedding_size = embedding.shape[-1]
num_sources = assignments.shape[-1]
weights = weights.view(batch_size, -1, 1)
# make everything unit norm
embedding = embedding.reshape(batch_size, -1, embedding_size)
embedding = nn.functional.normalize(embedding, dim=-1, p=2)
assignments = assignments.view(batch_size, -1, num_sources)
assignments = nn.functional.normalize(assignments, dim=-1, p=2)
assignments = weights * assignments
embedding = weights * embedding
embedding_dim_identity = torch.eye(
embedding_size, device=embedding.device).float()
source_dim_identity = torch.eye(
num_sources, device=embedding.device).float()
vTv = (embedding.transpose(2, 1) @ embedding)
vTy = (embedding.transpose(2, 1) @ assignments)
yTy = (assignments.transpose(2, 1) @ assignments)
ivTv = torch.inverse(vTv + embedding_dim_identity)
iyTy = torch.inverse(yTy + source_dim_identity)
ivTv_vTy = ivTv @ vTy
vTy_iyTy = vTy @ iyTy
# tr(AB) = sum(A^T o B)
# where o denotes element-wise product
# this is the trace trick
trace = (ivTv_vTy * vTy_iyTy).sum()
D = (embedding_size + num_sources) * batch_size
loss = D - 2 * trace
return loss / batch_size
[docs]class PermutationInvariantLoss(nn.Module):
Computes the Permutation Invariant Loss (PIT) [1] by permuting the estimated
sources and the reference sources. Takes the best permutation and only backprops
the loss from that.
For when you're trying to match the estimates to the sources but you don't
know the order in which your model outputs the estimates.
[1] Yu, Dong, Morten Kolbæk, Zheng-Hua Tan, and Jesper Jensen.
"Permutation invariant training of deep models for speaker-independent
multi-talker speech separation." In 2017 IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 241-245. IEEE, 2017.
DEFAULT_KEYS = {'estimates': 'estimates', 'source_magnitudes': 'targets'}
def __init__(self, loss_function):
super(PermutationInvariantLoss, self).__init__()
self.loss_function = loss_function
self.loss_function.reduction = 'none'
[docs] def forward(self, estimates, targets):
num_batch = estimates.shape[0]
num_sources = estimates.shape[-1]
estimates = estimates.reshape(num_batch, -1, num_sources)
targets = targets.reshape(num_batch, -1, num_sources)
losses = []
for p in permutations(range(num_sources)):
_targets = targets[..., list(p)]
loss = self.loss_function(estimates, _targets)
loss = loss.mean(dim=[-1, -2])
losses = torch.stack(losses, dim=-1)
losses = torch.min(losses, dim=-1)[0]
loss = torch.mean(losses)
return loss
[docs]class CombinationInvariantLoss(nn.Module):
Variant on Permutation Invariant Loss where instead a combination of the
sources output by the model are used. This way a model can output more
sources than there are in the ground truth. A subset of the output sources
will be compared using Permutation Invariant Loss with the ground truth
For when you're trying to match the estimates to the sources but you don't
know the order in which your model outputs the estimates AND you are
outputting more estimates then there are sources.
DEFAULT_KEYS = {'estimates': 'estimates', 'source_magnitudes': 'targets'}
def __init__(self, loss_function):
super(CombinationInvariantLoss, self).__init__()
self.loss_function = loss_function
self.loss_function.reduction = 'none'
[docs] def forward(self, estimates, targets):
num_batch = estimates.shape[0]
num_target_sources = targets.shape[-1]
num_estimate_sources = estimates.shape[-1]
estimates = estimates.reshape(num_batch, -1, num_estimate_sources)
targets = targets.reshape(num_batch, -1, num_target_sources)
losses = []
for c in combinations(range(num_estimate_sources), num_target_sources):
_estimates = estimates[..., list(c)]
for p in permutations(range(num_target_sources)):
_targets = targets[..., list(p)]
loss = self.loss_function(_estimates, _targets)
loss = loss.mean(dim=[-1, -2])
losses = torch.stack(losses, dim=-1)
losses = torch.min(losses, dim=-1)[0]
loss = torch.mean(losses)
return loss