Source code for nussl.separation.base.nmf_mixin
import numpy as np
from ... import ml
from ... import AudioSignal
[docs]class NMFMixin:
[docs] @staticmethod
def fit(audio_signals, n_components, beta_loss='frobenius',
l1_ratio=0.5, **kwargs):
Fits an NMF model to the magnitude spectrograms of each
audio signal. If `audio_signals` is a list, the magnitude
spectrograms of each signal are concatenated into a single
data matrix to which NMF is fit. If `audio_signals`
is a single audio signal, then NMF is fit only to the
magnitude spectrogram for that audio signal. If any of
the audio signals are multichannel, the channels are
concatenated into a single (longer) data matrix.
audio_signals (list or AudioSignal): AudioSignal object(s) that
NMF will be fit to.
n_components (int): Number of components to use in the NMF
module. Corresponds to number of spectral templates.
beta_loss (float or string): String must be in
{'frobenius', 'kullback-leibler', 'itakura-saito'}.
Beta divergence to be minimized, measuring the distance between X
and the dot product WH. Note that values different from 'frobenius'
(or 2) and 'kullback-leibler' (or 1) lead to significantly slower
fits. Note that for beta_loss <= 0 (or 'itakura-saito'), the input
matrix X cannot contain zeros. Used only in 'mu' solver. Defaults to
l1_ratio (float): The regularization mixing parameter, with 0 <= l1_ratio <= 1.
For l1_ratio = 0 the penalty is an elementwise L2 penalty (aka Frobenius Norm).
For l1_ratio = 1 it is an elementwise L1 penalty.
For 0 < l1_ratio < 1, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2.
Defaults to 1.0 (sparse templates and activations).
kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments to initialization of the NMF
decomposition method.
model (NMF): Fitted NMF model to the audio signal(s).
components (np.ndarray): Spectral templates (n_components, n_features)
activations (np.ndarray): Activations (n_components, n_time, n_channels)
The shape here is as if it was like an STFT but with components as the
features rather than frequencies of the STFT.
if isinstance(audio_signals, AudioSignal):
audio_signals = [audio_signals]
data = []
n_spectrograms = 0
for audio_signal in audio_signals:
_data = np.abs(audio_signal.stft())
n_spectrograms += audio_signal.num_channels
# flip around array so frequencies are last
_data = _data.transpose()
# flatten first 2 axes
_data = _data.reshape(-1, _data.shape[-1])
data = np.concatenate(data, axis=0)
model = ml.NMF(n_components=n_components, l1_ratio=l1_ratio,
beta_loss=beta_loss, **kwargs)
activations = model.fit_transform(data)
activations = activations.T.reshape(n_components, -1, n_spectrograms)
return model, model.components_, activations
[docs] @staticmethod
def transform(audio_signal, model):
Use an already fit model to transform the magnitude spectrogram of an
audio signal into components and activations. These can be multiplied to
reconstruct the original matrix, or used to separate out sounds that correspond
to components in the model.
audio_signal (AudioSignal): AudioSignal object to transform with model.
model (NMF): NMF model to separate with. Must be fitted prior to this call.
components (np.ndarray): Spectral templates (n_components, n_features)
activations (np.ndarray): Activations (n_components, n_time, n_channels)
The shape here is as if it was like an STFT but with components as the
features rather than frequencies of the STFT.
data = np.abs(audio_signal.stft())
shape = data.shape
data = data.transpose()
data = data.reshape(-1, data.shape[-1])
activations = model.transform(data).T
activations = activations.reshape((model.n_components,) + shape[1:])
return model.components_, activations
[docs] @staticmethod
def inverse_transform(components, activations):
Reconstructs the magnitude spectrogram by matrix multiplying the components
with the activations. Components and activations are considered to be 2D matrices,
but if they are more, then the first dimension is interpreted to be the batch
components (np.ndarray): Spectral templates (n_components, n_features)
activations (np.ndarray): Activations (n_components, n_time, n_channels)
The shape here is as if it was like an STFT but with components as the
features rather than frequencies of the STFT.
activations = activations.transpose()
shape = activations.shape
reconstruction = activations @ components
reconstruction = reconstruction.reshape(shape[:-1] + (-1,))
return reconstruction.transpose()