import copy
import numpy as np
import torch
from .. import SeparationBase, SeparationException
from ... import AudioSignal
[docs]class Projet(SeparationBase):
Implements the PROJET algorithm for spatial audio separation using projections.
This implementation uses PyTorch to speed up computation considerably. PROJET
does the following steps:
1. Project the complex stereo STFT onto multiple angles and delay via
projection and delay matrix transformations.
2. Initialize the parameters of the system to "remix" these projections along with
PSDs of the sources such that they try to reconstruct the original stereo mixture.
3. Find the optimal parameters via multiplicative update rules for P and for Q.
4. Use the discovered parameters to isolate the sources via spatial cues.
This implementation considers BOTH panning and delays when isolating sources.
PROJET is not a masking based method, it estimates the sources directly by
projecting the complex STFT.
input_audio_signal (AudioSignal): Audio signal to separate.
num_sources (int): Number of source to separate.
estimates (list of AudioSignal): initial estimates for the separated sources
if available. These will be used to initialize the update algorithm. So
one could (for example), run FT2D on a signal and then refine the estimates
using PROJET. Defaults to None (randomly initialize P).
num_iterations (int, optional): Number of iterations to do for the update
rules for P and Q. Defaults to 50.
maximum_delay_in_samples (int, optional): Maximum delay in samples that you are
willing to consider in the projection matrices. Defaults to 20.
location_set_panning (int, optional): How many locations in panning you are
willing to consider. Defaults to 30.
location_set_delay (int, optional): How many delays you are willing to
consider. Defaults to 17.
projection_set_panning (int, optional): How many projections you are willing
use in panning-space. Defaults to 10.
projection_set_delay (int, optional): How many delays you are willing to project
the mixutre onto in panning-space. Defaults to 9.
beta (int, optional): Beta in beta divergence. See Table 1 in [1]. Defaults to 1.
alpha (int, optional): Power to raise each power spectral density estimate of each
source to. Defaults to 1.
device (str, optional): Device to use when performing update rules. 'cuda' will
be fastest, if available. Defaults to 'cpu'.
[1] Fitzgerald, Derry, Antoine Liutkus, and Roland Badeau.
"Projection-based demixing of spatial audio."
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language
Processing 24.9 (2016): 1560-1572.
[2] Fitzgerald, Derry, Antoine Liutkus, and Roland Badeau.
"Projet—spatial audio separation using projections." 2016 IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2016.
def __init__(self, input_audio_signal, num_sources, estimates=None, num_iterations=50,
maximum_delay_in_samples=20, location_set_panning=30, location_set_delay=17,
projection_set_panning=10, projection_set_delay=9, beta=1, alpha=1, device='cpu'):
self.num_sources = num_sources
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.num_iterations = num_iterations
self.eps = 1e-8
self.device = device
self.projection_set_panning = projection_set_panning
self.projection_set_delay = projection_set_delay
self.location_set_panning = location_set_panning
self.location_set_delay = location_set_delay
self.maximum_delay_in_samples = maximum_delay_in_samples
self.projection_set = None
self.inverse_projection_set = None
self.reconstructions = None
if estimates is None:
self.P = None
if len(estimates) != self.num_sources:
raise SeparationException(
"Number of estimates must be equal to num_sources!")
psds = []
for e in estimates:
_e = copy.deepcopy(e)
_e.stft_params = self.audio_signal.stft_params
self.P = np.stack(psds, axis=-1)
def _preprocess_audio_signal(self):
self.stft = self.audio_signal.stft()
F, T, I = self.stft.shape
self.device = 'cpu' if not torch.cuda.is_available() else self.device
pannings = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, self.location_set_panning)
delays = np.linspace(
self.location_set = self.create_panning_delay_set(pannings, delays, F, I)
pannings = np.linspace(-np.pi / 2, 0, self.projection_set_panning)
delays = np.linspace(
self.projection_set = self.create_panning_delay_set(pannings, delays, F, I)
self.inverse_projection_set = np.linalg.pinv(self.projection_set)
self.V, self.complex_projections = self.create_projections()
self.K = self.create_k_matrix()
def create_panning_delay_set(pannings, delays, F, I):
panning_delay_set = np.zeros(
(F, len(pannings), len(delays), I), dtype='complex'
for i, delay in enumerate(delays):
phase_change = np.exp(
-1j * 2 * np.pi * np.linspace(0, 0.5, F) * delay
panning_delay_set[:, :, i, 0] = np.outer(
np.ones(F), np.cos(pannings)
panning_delay_set[:, :, i, 1] = np.outer(
phase_change, np.sin(pannings)
return panning_delay_set
def create_projections(self):
F = self.stft.shape[0]
inner_dim = self.projection_set.shape[-1]
V = (
self.projection_set.reshape(F, -1, inner_dim) @
self.stft.reshape(F, -1, inner_dim).transpose(0, 2, 1)
V = V.reshape((F,) + self.projection_set.shape[1:-1] + (-1,))
return self._convert_to_tensor(np.abs(V) ** self.alpha), V
def _convert_to_tensor(self, data):
tensor = torch.from_numpy(data)
def _convert_to_numpy(data):
array = data.cpu().data.numpy()
return array
def create_k_matrix(self):
F = self.stft.shape[0]
inner_dim = self.location_set.shape[-1]
K = (
self.projection_set.reshape(F, -1, inner_dim) @
self.location_set.reshape(F, -1, inner_dim).transpose(0, 2, 1)
K = np.abs(K.reshape(
(F,) + self.projection_set.shape[1:-1] + self.location_set.shape[1:-1])) ** self.alpha
return self._convert_to_tensor(K)
def initialize_parameters(self):
F, T, I = self.stft.shape
P = np.abs(np.random.randn(F, T, self.num_sources))
Q = np.abs(np.random.randn(*self.location_set.shape[1:3], self.num_sources))
return self._convert_to_tensor(P), self._convert_to_tensor(Q)
def _update_sigma(self, P, Q, KQ):
F = self.stft.shape[0]
inner_dim = KQ.shape[-1]
sigma = (
KQ.reshape(F, -1, inner_dim) @
P.transpose(2, 1)
sigma = sigma.reshape(
P.shape[0], KQ.shape[1], KQ.shape[2], P.shape[1])
return sigma
def _update_P(self, P, sigma, KQ):
F = self.stft.shape[0]
temps = [
(sigma ** (self.beta - 2)) * self.V,
sigma ** (self.beta - 1)
inner_dim = KQ.shape[1] * KQ.shape[2]
P_num_denom = [
self.eps + (
KQ.reshape(F, inner_dim, -1).transpose(2, 1) @
temp.reshape(F, inner_dim, -1)
for temp in temps
P_update = (P_num_denom[0] / P_num_denom[1]).transpose(2, 1)
return P * P_update
def _update_Q(self, P, sigma, Q):
F = self.stft.shape[0]
temps = [
(sigma ** (self.beta - 2)) * self.V,
sigma ** (self.beta - 1)
inner_dim = self.K.shape[1] * self.K.shape[2]
Q_num_denom = [
self.K.reshape(F, inner_dim, -1).transpose(2, 1) @
(temp.reshape(F, -1, P.shape[1]) @ P)
for temp in temps
Q_num_denom = [
x.reshape(F, *Q.shape).sum(dim=0) for x in Q_num_denom
Q_update = Q_num_denom[0] / Q_num_denom[1]
return Q * Q_update
def _get_kq(self, Q):
F = self.stft.shape[0]
# get KQ
inner_dim = Q.shape[0] * Q.shape[1]
KQ = (
self.K.reshape(-1, inner_dim) @ Q.reshape(inner_dim, -1)
KQ = KQ.reshape(
F, self.K.shape[1], self.K.shape[2], Q.shape[-1])
return KQ
def _update(self, P, Q):
KQ = self._get_kq(Q)
sigma = self._update_sigma(P, Q, KQ)
P = self._update_P(P, sigma, KQ)
sigma = self._update_sigma(P, Q, KQ)
Q = self._update_Q(P, sigma, Q)
return P, Q
def run(self):
P, Q = self.initialize_parameters()
for i in range(self.num_iterations):
P, Q = self._update(P, Q)
KQ = self._get_kq(Q)
KQ = KQ.reshape(KQ.shape[0], -1, 1, KQ.shape[-1])
sigma_j = KQ / P[:, None, ...]
sigma_j = sigma_j / (self.eps + sigma_j.sum(dim=-1)[..., None])
sigma_j = self._convert_to_numpy(sigma_j)
self.projection_set = self.projection_set.reshape(
self.projection_set.shape[1] * self.projection_set.shape[2],
self.inverse_projection_set = np.linalg.pinv(self.projection_set)
cf_j = (
(self.projection_set @
self.stft.transpose(0, 2, 1))[..., None]
* sigma_j
shape = cf_j.shape
reconstructions = (
self.inverse_projection_set @
reconstructions = reconstructions.reshape(
shape[0], self.stft.shape[-1], -1, shape[-1]
self.reconstructions = np.swapaxes(reconstructions, 1, 2)
return reconstructions
def make_audio_signals(self):
estimates = []
for j in range(self.reconstructions.shape[-1]):
estimate_stft = self.reconstructions[..., j]
estimate = self.audio_signal.make_copy_with_stft_data(estimate_stft)
return estimates